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Training programme:
Formality and informality in emails – punctuation, spelling, being diplomatic and polite vs. being direct and brief. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Work and responsibilities, personal characteristics and job skills. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Job interview, a CV and an application letter. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Socialising, networking and small talk | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Chairing a meeting, keeping control and cultural diversity in international meetings. Taking the minutes of a meeting. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Participating in a meeting, making your point in meetings and giving opinion. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Formal and informal presentations, public speaking: structuring, beginning and delivering a presentation, dealing with questions and interruptions, visuals and preparation). | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
International negotiations and negotiation styles. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Business trip, writing a business trip report. (If necessary, more topics of formal texts can be added here, for example, how to write a summary, a proposal, analyse data and trends). | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Grammar included in Skrivanek Business English course:
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, action and non-action verbs; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Future forms; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Questions (all tenses) – general, special, indirect questions, questions with preposition, subject and object questions, question tags; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Uses of passive. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Articles (definite, indefinite article, zero article, special cases and geographical names with and without article); | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Dependent prepositions; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Modals of obligation and past modals; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Conditional sentences. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
* The training programme outlined may be updated during the study process.
Norises laiks: no 25.01.2025. līdz 31.05.2025.
Nodarbības laiks: no plkst. 10.00 līdz 13.15
Norises diena: sestdiena
Nodarbību skaits: 32 nodarbības (64 akadēmiskās stundas)
Norises vieta: Lāčplēša iela 87C, Rīga
Zināšanu līmenis: B2 līmenis
Nodarbības veids: regulārie kursi grupā
Apgūsti angļu valodu Mācību centrā Skrivanek – svešvalodu mācības vēl nekad nav bijušas tik interesantas un ērtas. Pārliecinies par kursu kvalitāti – ja kursi neatbildīs tavām vēlmēm, par pirmo mācību dienu nebūs jāmaksā. Lietišķās angļu valodas kursi B2 līmenim klātienē. Angļu valodas kursi brīvdienās Rīgas centrā
Kursu cenā iekļauta grupu veidošana pēc testa rezultātiem, progresa tests, kursu noslēgumā – eksāmens, pēc kura tiek izsniegts apstiprinājums par dalību nodarbībās un kursu beidzēja apliecība. Nodarbību laikā pieejams bezvadu internets un siltie dzērieni. Pilna kursu cena ir 410 EUR. Maksājot visu summu uzreiz, tiek piemērota 15% atlaide. Cena norādīta ar PVN. Iespējams veikt arī dalīto maksājumu.
Apgūstot noteiktu valodas līmeni un veiksmīgi nokārtojot gala pārbaudījumu, studentam tiek piešķirta apliecība.
Studentu skaits grupā ir no 5 līdz 10 personām, nodarbības ilgums – 90 minūtes. Nepietiekama studentu skaita gadījumā Mācību centrs Skrivanek ir tiesīgs atcelt noteiktu kursu. Izmaiņas nodarbību sarakstā var tikt veiktas, pielāgojoties pasniedzēju un studentu laika iespējām.
Lai noskaidrotu savu angļu valodas zināšanu līmeni, aizpildi bezmaksas angļu valodas testu tiešsaistē!
Training programme:
Formality and informality in emails – punctuation, spelling, being diplomatic and polite vs. being direct and brief. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Work and responsibilities, personal characteristics and job skills. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Job interview, a CV and an application letter. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Socialising, networking and small talk | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Chairing a meeting, keeping control and cultural diversity in international meetings. Taking the minutes of a meeting. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Participating in a meeting, making your point in meetings and giving opinion. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Formal and informal presentations, public speaking: structuring, beginning and delivering a presentation, dealing with questions and interruptions, visuals and preparation). | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
International negotiations and negotiation styles. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Business trip, writing a business trip report. (If necessary, more topics of formal texts can be added here, for example, how to write a summary, a proposal, analyse data and trends). | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Grammar included in Skrivanek Business English course:
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, action and non-action verbs; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Future forms; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Questions (all tenses) – general, special, indirect questions, questions with preposition, subject and object questions, question tags; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Uses of passive. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Articles (definite, indefinite article, zero article, special cases and geographical names with and without article); | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Dependent prepositions; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Modals of obligation and past modals; | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Conditional sentences. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
* The training programme outlined may be updated during the study process.