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Skrivanek Training Centre
About Us
The Skrivanek Training Centre offers you the opportunity to learn foreign languages in a way that suits you. Our language courses are ideal for both individuals and companies who want to improve the foreign language skills of their employees. In addition, we have special camp programmes for children and youth that will help you learn foreign languages in a relaxed and enthusiastic way!
The Skrivanek Training Centre is set up under the auspices of Skrivanek Baltic, a certified translation agency.

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Our history
Skrivanek was founded in 1994 in the Czech Republic by Pavel Skřivánek, and soon the small translation agency became an international language company. Today, the Skrivanek Holding SE Group is one of the major language services providers in the world with over 25 years of experience. The Central European translation giant now has almost fifty branches in countries around the world – USA, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, jazyková škola in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Germany – all bearing the name of the company’s founder, Skrivanek, meaning “skylark” in Czech.
Skrivanek Baltic, a certified translation agency in Latvia, opened its doors in 2003 and has been offering top quality language services ever since.
In 2007, the Skrivanek Training Centre was added to the services provided, giving children and adults an opportunity to improve and acquire new foreign language skills with the help of highly qualified and knowledgeable teachers, as well as to receive detailed information about languages.
Our vision and goals
It is important to us that our clients receive the best possible support when it comes to learning languages, so we develop innovative learning methods and continuously improve our skills. The Skrivanek Training Centre already provides special learning programmes for children and adults, and develops special courses to meet the needs of different companies.
To provide the best for its clients, Skrivanek Baltic continuously monitors industry innovations to implement the most relevant ones in the company’s day-to-day operations. At the same time, we work for the growth of the translation industry and contribute to the development of its reputation and quality in Latvia, including being the organisers of the annual competition for Latvian students, The Best New Translator. In our efforts to preserve the Latvian language, we have compiled 100 Latvian language tips into a special book, which you can download for free here.
We work to provide quality services for successful communication and sustainable work in Latvia and abroad. Skrivanek Baltic is committed to providing our clients with the services and translations meeting the highest quality standards, and to ensuring that our employees perform their duties with pleasure and satisfaction every day. Skrivanek Baltic cares about its reputation and by offering top quality translations, it strengthens and polishes yours too!
Our values
Caring about your success, we provide professional and thoughtful language services. We appreciate your trust!
Through dialogue, we listen to each client’s needs and together we assess priorities to offer the best solution, even in non-standard situations. We are on your side!
We are open to new and challenging projects. We will do everything for you to succeed!
Our services
Skrivanek Training Centre offers language courses for adults as well as specialised programmes for companies in a wide range of industries.
For individuals, we offer language learning options to suit your personal preferences – from group classes and individual courses to online learning.
It has been scientifically proven that foreign languages are most easily learned during childhood and school years, so we have paid special attention to developing camp programmes for children and youth to make learning foreign languages fun and easy.
For more than 15 years, we have been providing language training for Latvian companies, international corporations, as well as government and municipal institutions. Our experience and professional teaching staff allow us to implement foreign language teaching projects of any scale and complexity. For companies, we offer foreign language courses both individually and in groups, including intensive language training courses. Our solutions also include FOCUS, an online language proficiency testing tool that is essential in the recruitment process.
Klientu atsauksmes
Bija lieliska iespēja apmeklēt valodu kursus Skrivanek. Patīkama atmosfēra, profesionāli pasniedzēji un kvalitatīvs mācību saturs. Mani nākamie valodu kursi noteikti atkal būs Skrivanek valodu centrā!
Liels paldies, par šo veiksmīgo un pozitīvo sadarbību! Pārdomāta un interesanta programma. Mana meita ar sajūsmu un pozitīvām emocijām apmeklēja dienas nometni. Katru dienu bija gan angļu valodas nodarbības, aizraujošas ekskursijas. Ar iegūtiem iespaidiem dalījās par katru pavadīto nometnes dienu. Īpaši tika pārdomāta arī radošā potenciāla attīstīšana, piedāvājot dažādas spēles un citus uzdevumus. Profesionāla pieeja un saliedēta kolektīva kopējais darbs. Gandarījums par bērnu lietderīgi pavadītu laiku vasarā!
Apmeklēju intensīvos zviedru valodas kursus. Bija ļoti labi materiāli, kompetenta un prasmīga pasniedzēja. Noteikti iesaku.
Paldies, holandiešu valodas kursi bija interesanti un pasniedzēja ļoti zinoša.
Man ir vislabākās atsauksmes par Skrivanek Baltic organizētajām dienas nometnēm bērniem. Nometne vismazākajiem skolēniem (1.–2. klase) labi nostiprināja pamatzināšanas angļu valodā, bija radošas, bērns uz tām gāja ar prieku un mums nedēļa pēc mācību gada beigām bija pārdomāti un ērti saplānota. Pozitīvi: bērnam ļoti patika pasniedzēji, man patika nometnes koordinatore, visu izstāstīja un uzrakstīja, kas un kā būs, kā sagatavoties utml.
Mans bērns piedalījās dienas nometnē. Ļoti interesanta nometne. Tiek mācīti bērni rotaļu veidā. Mans bērns katru dienu nāca no nometnes pacilātā noskaņojumā. Skolotājas spēj aizraut un iemācīt valodu, ka bērnam liekas, ka viņš nemaz nemācās, bet lieto vārdus jau automātiski. Liels paldies lieliskajām skolotājām no Skrivanek Baltic!
Ļoti pozitīva un pretimnākoša attieksme no personāla un ārkārtīgi prasmīga pasniedzēja. Tiešām rekomendēju. 🙂
Mans bērns piedalījās dienas nometnē. Ļoti interesanta nometne. Tiek mācīti bērni rotaļu veidā. Mans bērns katru katru dienu nāca no nometnes pacilātā noskaņojumā. Skolotājas spēj aizraut un iemācīt valodu, ka bērnam liekas, ka viņš nemaz nemācās, bet lieto vārdus jau automātiski. Liels paldies lieliskajām skolotājām no Skrivanek!
Par angļu valodas kursiem visaugstākais novērtējums. Paldies!

Our advantages

Our wide range of services allows us to develop tailor-made solutions for everyone, whether you need to learn a foreign language for personal needs, business growth or other purposes.

Teaching staff
The Skrivanek Training Centre employs only highly qualified teaching staff, all teachers are selected in strict compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality management system.

Our success is based on the unique EFFECTO method developed by Skrivanek for more effective foreign language learning. This method is special because it significantly increases the efficiency of language learning and is so exciting that it also improves students’ motivation to learn foreign languages.

Our long-standing experience is a guarantee of long-term success, enabling each of our clients to fully master their chosen foreign language at the required level.
Most popular language courses
Foreign language courses