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Training programme:
Daily life, family and describing people (personality and appearance) | Word order in questions, the present simple and the present continuous. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Free time, holidays and travelling, sports | Past simple of regular and irregular verbs, past continuous and prepositions of time. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Future plans, intentions and predictions | Going to future, present continuous for arrangements and will future. Dependent prepositions. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Describing experience and places | Present perfect and past simple, time expressions, superlative adjectives. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Describing emotions, feelings and likes/dislikes | Infinitive with and without to, gerund (verb+ing), modals of obligation. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
History, education, school subjects | Present perfect with for/since, past habits with used to, passive voice. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Health and healthy lifestyle | Indefinite pronouns (something, anything, somebody, anybody etc.), quantifiers, so/ neither + auxiliary. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Formal and informal emails | Writing styles, punctuation and spelling in writing. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
* The training programme outlined may be updated during the study process.
Skrivanek English course will help you to:
- study and practice communicative grammar for daily use;
- speak, communicate and socialize with people in everyday situations;
- improve pronunciation;
- understand recorded texts like interviews, radio programmes and podcasts, audio guides etc.
- read and understand written texts such as articles, reviews, booklets, advertisements etc.
- write formal and informal texts (an email, a description, an instruction etc.).
Norises laiks: no 28.01.2025. līdz 20.05.2025.
Nodarbības laiks: no plkst. 18.00 līdz 19.30
Norises dienas: otrdiena, ceturtdiena
Nodarbību skaits: 32 nodarbības (64 akadēmiskās stundas)
Norises vieta: tiešsaistē (Zoom platformā)
Zināšanu līmenis: B1 līmenis
Nodarbības veids: regulārie kursi grupā
Lai mācītos angļu valodu, nepieciešams tikai dators vai mobilais tālrunis ar interneta pieslēgumu. Nodarbības notiek, izmantojot bezmaksas lietojumprogrammu Zoom, kas ļauj veikt videozvanus tiešsaistē. Svešvalodu kursi attālināti no jebkuras vietas pasaulē – vai valodu apgūšana kādreiz ir bijusi vēl ērtāka? Angļu valodas kursi B1 līmenim vakaros. Angļu valodas kursi tiešsaistē.
Kursu cenā iekļauta grupu veidošana pēc testa rezultātiem, progresa tests, kursu noslēgumā – eksāmens. Pilna kursu cena ir 350 EUR. Maksājot visu summu uzreiz, tiek piemērota 15% atlaide. Cena norādīta ar PVN. Iespējams veikt arī dalīto maksājumu.
Apgūstot noteiktu valodas līmeni un veiksmīgi nokārtojot gala pārbaudījumu, studentam tiek piešķirta apliecība.
Studentu skaits grupā ir no 5 līdz 10 personām, nodarbības ilgums – 90 minūtes. Nepietiekama studentu skaita gadījumā Mācību centrs Skrivanek ir tiesīgs atcelt noteiktu kursu. Izmaiņas nodarbību sarakstā var tikt veiktas, pielāgojoties pasniedzēju un studentu laika iespējām.
Lai noskaidrotu savu angļu valodas zināšanu līmeni, aizpildi bezmaksas angļu valodas testu tiešsaistē!
Training programme:
Daily life, family and describing people (personality and appearance) | Word order in questions, the present simple and the present continuous. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Free time, holidays and travelling, sports | Past simple of regular and irregular verbs, past continuous and prepositions of time. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Future plans, intentions and predictions | Going to future, present continuous for arrangements and will future. Dependent prepositions. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Describing experience and places | Present perfect and past simple, time expressions, superlative adjectives. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Describing emotions, feelings and likes/dislikes | Infinitive with and without to, gerund (verb+ing), modals of obligation. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
History, education, school subjects | Present perfect with for/since, past habits with used to, passive voice. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Health and healthy lifestyle | Indefinite pronouns (something, anything, somebody, anybody etc.), quantifiers, so/ neither + auxiliary. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
Formal and informal emails | Writing styles, punctuation and spelling in writing. | Speaking, reading, writing, listening |
* The training programme outlined may be updated during the study process.
Skrivanek English course will help you to:
- study and practice communicative grammar for daily use;
- speak, communicate and socialize with people in everyday situations;
- improve pronunciation;
- understand recorded texts like interviews, radio programmes and podcasts, audio guides etc.
- read and understand written texts such as articles, reviews, booklets, advertisements etc.
- write formal and informal texts (an email, a description, an instruction etc.).