Slengs - valodas bagātība

Slengs – valodas slepenā bagātība

Plašs vārdu krājums ir ikviena valodu zinātāja galvenā bagātība. Taču ir arī jāatzīst – neviens nerunā kā no grāmatas, un daži izteicieni vai vārdu formas atrodamas vairs tikai literatūras apcirkņos. Sarunvaloda dzīvo ielās, interneta vietnēs, mājas viesībās un lielveikalu burzmā, un īpašu garšu un smeķi tai piešķir tik specifiskais un tikai valodas pārzinātājiem saprotamais slengs jeb žargons. Slengs sastopams pilnīgi visās valodās, un to vērts pārzināt, lai neiekultos kādās neveiklās situācijās. Slengs var būt gan dažādi barbarismi, tostarp aizguvumi no citām valodām, gan arī vārdi, ko izmanto tikai profesionālajā leksikā. Tāpat pie slenga pieskaita sarunvalodas elementus, kā arī žargonu, ko savā saziņā lieto konkrētu sociālo grupu pārstāvji.

Tradicionāli slenga karogu visaugstāk ir nesuši jaunieši, kuri visos laikos par goda lietu uzskatījuši savu valodu piebārstīt pilnu ar vārdiem, ko senči un citi vecāka gadagājuma cilvēki noteikti vairs nesapratīs. Reizēm mēdz teikt, ka slengs ir vienkārši neliterāra valoda, taču, ja papēta dziļāk, gandrīz katram slenga vārdam būs iespējams atrast skaidrojumu un vēsturi. Kopš saziņa kļuvusi arvien virtuālāka, angļu valodas slenga vārdi arvien vairāk iedzīvojas arī citās valodās, tostarp latviešu, turklāt tiek pat lokalizēti, piemēram, vairs nav neparasti, ka kāds otru diskusijas karstumā apsauc par “drāmas karalieni”. Iepazīstinām tevi ar populāriem angļu valodas slenga vārdiem, kurus vērts iegaumēt, lai bagātinātu savu vārdu krājumu un saprastos visdažādākajās sabiedrībās.

Noun. An eccentric or unusual person.

Lietvārds. Ekscentriska vai neparasta persona.
He’s really quite an odd fish.
Adjective. To be extremely tired.

Īpašības vārds. Būt ļoti nogurušam.
He really enjoyed his birthday party, but he’s completely zonked out now!
Noun. A long and pleasant conversation between friends.

Lietvārds. Ilga un patīkama saruna starp draugiem.
I saw Mary for the first time in ages yesterday! We had a lovely chin wag together, like in the good old days.
Adjective. To be very pleased, proud, or happy about something.

Īpašības vārds. Justies ļoti priecīgam vai par kaut ko lepnam.
My mum bought me a fantastic car when I passed my driving test. I was chuffed to bits.
Noun. This is another name for Murphy’s Law – whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Lietvārds. Sinonīms Mērfija likumam – viss, kas var noiet greizi, arī noies greizi.
I wore my pretty new dress because it was a sunny day, but as soon as I stepped out of the house, it started raining and I got completely soaked! Sod’s Law!
Adjective. Delicious, lovely.

Īpašības vārds. Garšīgs, burvīgs.
All we had was bread and butter, cake, and strawberries with cream; but oh, they were scrummy.
Noun. A cigarette made by hand from loose tobacco and cigarette paper.

Lietvārds. Ar rokām uztīta cigarete no tabakas un cigarešu papīra.
Pass me a roll-up, please.
Adjective. Dressed up, overdressed.

Īpašības vārds. Uzposies, saģērbies pārāk grezni.
He was all ponced up, like he was going somewhere fancy.
Noun. Beer.

Lietvārds. Alus.
He ordered one more glass of amber fluid.
Noun. A person obsessed with using the internet.

Lietvārds. Cilvēks, kas ir apsēsts ar internetu.
You are such a net head!
Verb phrase. To hurry up, to do it quickly.

Darbības vārds. Pasteigties, izdarīt kaut ko ātri.
Steve, the film starts in five minutes, so if you are going to wash your hair you’d better make it snappy.
Noun. An eating establishment, cafe, restaurant or snack bar.

Lietvārds. Ēdināšanas iestāde, kafejnīca, restorāns vai uzkodu bārs.
This place is more a noshery than a quickie cafe and has the advantage of being licensed to stay open for 24 hours a day.
Noun. A weak and ineffectual person. Derogatory.

Lietvārds. Ar nicinošu nozīmi – vājš un nespējīgs cilvēks.
His father is a spineless jellyfish who lets his wife rule with an iron fist.
Phrase. (One’s) feet when they are tired and aching.

Izteiciens. (Kāda) pēdas, kad tās ir nogurušas un sāpošas.
Do you mind if I sit down, my dogs are barking!
Verb phrase. To become very emotional, slightly mad.

Darbības vārds. Kļūt ļoti emocionālam, sadusmoties.
I just went bananas when she told me she wanted to move out.
Noun. This means respect, recognition.

Lietvārds. Apzīmē cieņu vai atzinību.
I know he failed the test, but you’ve got to give him props for trying.
Idiom. Used to signify that a person finally understands something.

Idioma. Apzīmē brīdi, kad cilvēks beidzot kaut ko saprot.
Thank God for that! The penny’s finally dropped and we can all go home now.
Adjective. Used to describe a situation in which events do not occur as planned or anticipated. Often implies disappointment or discontent with the results.

Īpašības vārds. Izmanto, lai raksturotu situāciju, kura nenorisinās tā, kā paredzēts. Bieži norāda uz neapmierinātību ar rezultātu.
I was trying to organise a surprise birthday party for her, but it’s all gone pear-shaped!
Verb phrase. To chat or gossip.

Darbības vārds. Pļāpāt vai baumot.
Yeah, come round and join us, we’re just chewing the fat over a glass or two of wine.
Noun. A spider, worm, or other small, flightless creature, especially when considered unpleasant or frightening.

Lietvārds. Zirneklis, tārps vai kāds cits neliels, nelidojošs radījums, it sevišķi tāds, kas ir nepatīkams vai biedējošs.
Clara started to hallucinate, seeing creepy-crawlies on her bed.
Adjective. Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.

Īpašības vārds. Tāds, kas izraisa bailes vai nemiera sajūtu.
And now comes the best part of the story, which is, of course, the ‘creepy-crawly’ and horrible part.
Noun. A person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.

Īpašības vārds. Sapīcis, dusmīgs vai nokaitināts.
Shut that blabbermouth up; he hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about!
Noun. An unnecessary or over-complicated task, especially one that is perceived as a waste of time.

Lietvārds. Nevajadzīga vai pārāk sarežģīta darbība, it sevišķi tāda, ko uzskata par nelietderīgu.
Adjusting this television is a bit of a faff.
Verb. To waste time on an unproductive activity.

Darbības vārds. Izniekot laiku neproduktīvās darbībās.
Come on, we have to go now. Stop faffing around, we’re going to be late!
Verb. To sell something.

Darbības vārds. Pārdot kaut ko.
I managed to flog my car for a really good price!
Adjective phrase. Lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Īpašības vārds. Ļoti enerģisks un entuziastisks.
I’ve never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.
Adverb phrase. As if by accident, but really by intention.

Apstākļa vārds. Šķietami netīši, tomēr ar nodomu.
I’ve never liked these glasses of Peter’s. I might drop them one day – accidentally-on-purpose…
Noun. A short sleep or nap.

Lietvārds. Neilgs miegs vai snauda.
If you’re feeling drowsy, take forty winks; I’ll wake you when our guests arrive.
Noun. A good friend or mate.

Lietvārds. Labs draugs vai biedrs.
We’ve been pals since we were kids.
Noun. A person devoted to spending as much time as possible on the beach.

Lietvārds. Cilvēks, kas pēc iespējas vairāk laika pavada pludmalē.
I could quite easily become a beach bum and spend the rest of my days lying in the sun.
Adjective. Fed up, mildly angry or annoyed.

Īpašības vārds. Sapīcis, dusmīgs vai nokaitināts.
Working with Caroline is not easy. She gets really cheesed off when people don’t agree with her.
Noun. Friendly way of saying goodbye and formerly as a greeting or toast.

Lietvārds. Draudzīgs veids, kā atvadīties, agrāk arī frāze, ko izmantoja kā sveicienu vai tostu.
Cheerio! Have a good trip!