Why learn English online?

There are many ways to learn English, but in the fast-paced daily life of today, one of the best and most convenient ways is to take English lessons online. In this article, we will look at the main benefits of learning English online .

Learn English at your own convenience

We don’t usually see students coming to class in their pyjamas or most comfortable home clothes, but this is possible if they attend online classes. Joking aside, one of the biggest advantages of learning English online is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home or in any other environment anywhere in the world. It’s also a great way to save time, as you don’t have to spend time travelling or in traffic to get to your class.

Flexible study schedule

Another important benefit of online classes is the possibility to study at your own convenience. Our timetables don’t always work for everyone but with an online programme you have 24/7 access to learning resources and it’s easier to arrange more flexible lesson times with your tutor. Depending on your workload or family life, you can choose when to study. The flexible schedule of classes also makes it easier to plan your free time and won’t cause additional stress if you are late for work or have to miss classes because of a holiday or business trip.

Learn at your own pace

Like our interests, our learning styles also vary. Everyone works and studies at their own pace. Some people absorb new information immediately while others need to more repetition to consolidate new knowledge. Neither case is bad or wrong, but if you study in the wrong environment and at the wrong pace, you’ll waste your time and money. Sometimes, group classes slow down faster students and cause stress for those who learn new information more slowly, but with online face-to-face tutoring or pre-designed courses, you set the pace yourself. No need to compete with anyone else or wait for classmates. Instead, you can skip or repeat the material as many times as necessary to feel confident about your results.

Several resources can be used at the same time

Taking English courses online means spending time at the computer and there are many ways to use it; for example, if the teacher mentions a word, place or expression you’ve never heard before, you can check it out instantly in an online dictionary or by doing a Google search. You can also have several tabs open at the same time and view images and videos related to the topic, which will form associative links and help you remember the new words better. Using multiple resources is a great way to supplement your English language knowledge and promote efficiency in learning.

Often, creators of online courses and apps also offer more varied learning materials themselves, such as videos, audio recordings, various interactive tests and assignments. It certainly makes learning more interesting.

Less stress, more confidence

Many of us get nervous when we have to speak a foreign language with other people. We may feel embarrassed about our pronunciation or limited vocabulary, and we’re more afraid of making mistakes. This is normal. Online, there’s no need to be afraid of looking foolish as you work with the tutor individually, without worrying about other people around you.

Lower costs

Various online courses and learning applications also usually cost less, as organisers don’t have expenses related to equipment and room rental. All that you and your teacher need is a computer and an internet connection to access the learning materials or participate in video calls.

Online/online community to learn the language

Due to the pandemic, we’ve already adapted to remote communication and are no longer confused by participating in meetings while being in a room alone. Online English courses still provide an opportunity to meet new people. You can speak English with your group mates not only in class but also outside of class if you like, by creating an online buddy club. This will allow you to have a good time and improve your English at the same time. New friendships are often born when people with common interests and goals meet.

Individual English language courses

Online/online English courses are also an opportunity to improve your English knowledge individually with a tutor. When learning English individually online, your teacher will make sure you learn the material of the lesson and also ensure that the material precisely corresponds to your level of English knowledge.

Maybe you want to improve your English grammar in preparation for an exam, or you have an important job interview with an international company coming up. Individual lessons allow you to focus on your needs. For example, at work, you’re unexpectedly assigned a presentation in English that you’re worried about – your tutor will be happy to listen to it and give suggestions or correct any mistakes.

The possibilities are endless when you learn English online with a teacher. Individual courses are designed to help students learn specific English language skills quickly and efficiently. So, you can make sure you get what you really need from your courses.

The opportunity to learn together with people from all over the world

The possibilities of the internet are endless! Another reason to look at opportunities to learn English online are the various online/online conversation clubs or classes for those with prior knowledge, together with people from different countries. In addition, there is often an opportunity to develop your English with a native English teacher. This will help you a lot with pronunciation.

Self-discipline training

Have you noticed that the weekly to-do list is carried over to the next week and the one after that? Do you often give up on your intended goals, even if they are not achieved? Do you miss deadlines at work? Online courses can be a great way to discipline yourself and learn to take responsibility for your own results.

A study routine is the key to success

To help with the previous point, it is important to establish a good study routine that helps you get closer to your goal. Sticking to the established study plan is important in order to consolidate knowledge and learn a little, but something new every day.

Think about how you can incorporate English exercises organically into your daily routine, for example, by listening to podcasts or audiobooks on the way to work, reading texts or taking grammar tests during your lunch break. Gradually, such habits will become the norm.

Also, plan your English lessons by the week, figuring out how much you want to learn and how much time you can devote to it. Take your workload into account in other areas of your life and set realistic goals so that you don’t get disappointed so often when you fail to cope with overly big tasks. By dividing the big goal into smaller ones, you’ll taste victory more often and feel satisfaction with what you’ve accomplished.

An environment that helps you learn

To make it easier to learn English at home, we recommend creating a learning corner that inspires and allows you to concentrate. Someone who has already spent the whole day in the office would probably prefer to study comfortably on the couch, which can be done if it doesn’t interfere with being reasonably alert and connecting to the content of the lessons; however, experts usually recommend an environment similar to a workplace.

The key to a productive learning environment is to create a designated zone where there are no distractions. Although we spend time at the computer during online/online classes, it is important that only the pages related to studies are opened, without checking work emails and social networks at the same time. While studying, the phone can also affect attention and time management, so unless you are expecting an important call, turn it off whenever you’re studying.

Lighting also plays an important role. Natural daylight always brings warmth and vitality to a room. If possible, try to place a small desk or table near a window to let in sunlight during study time. If you devote evenings to learning English, think about good lighting. It’s best if the light is behind your back or shines over your shoulder.

Finally, keep the learning environment neat and tidy. If you do something else at this table, make sure you clear the surface every time before studying so that nothing gets in the way. Choose a location where you can freely place your computer, books and accessories, and make the arrangement of the room part of the learning process. Organise your study table immediately after studying, too, which will make the next day easier.

Other ways to learn English online

English courses are a great start, but it’s important to study regularly outside of class time; at least 30 minutes every day. To improve your English skills in a variety of ways, find TV shows, bands, books, films, videos, audiobooks, apps, recipes, magazines, podcasts – anything in English will do. By doing this, you’ll get to know different types of English – both literary and colloquial – and build up your vocabulary.

While completing the course assignments or working with a tutor, you’ll find out what your “weak” areas are in the language and what you need to work on especially carefully. Using different types of content in English will keep your study routine interesting while also providing pleasant entertainment.

How difficult is English?

English is one the most spoken languages in the world but it’s also one of the most difficult languages to learn, both because of the wide range of vocabulary and idioms, as well as pronunciation and grammatical aspects. How quickly one succeeds in learning English is very individual. The initial enthusiasm for learning must be accompanied by desire, motivation and commitment – how many hours and how much work and energy you’re ready to invest in studies. Studies show that if you devote at least five hours a day, seven days a week to learning English, you can go from a beginner to an academic level English speaker within a year.

Also, how easy or difficult it is to learn is influenced by your existing knowledge of English and other languages, as well as your ability to use the language organically in your daily life. It will be easier to learn English if you already speak a Germanic language – German, Spanish or French.

English language courses online/online Skrivanek

Skrivanek English can be learnt both face-to-face and online, in group or individual lessons at any language level (A1–C1) – if you’re a beginner and want to learn English from scratch, want to refresh your English knowledge acquired at school or want to improve your English for a specific purpose, for example, for a job in a specific industry. English language courses are the beginning of many new opportunities, both in your professional and private life. Moreover, learning the language at Skrivanek means spending time in a useful and interesting way!

English Conversation club online

For those who want to improve their speaking skills in particular, we have created an English conversation club. Here, lessons led by a foreign teacher are interactive and entertaining, with conversations on a wide variety of topics to develop speaking and listening skills.

The instructor involves the participants in games, discussions, presentations, monologues and dialogues, helping them to acquire a wider vocabulary, idioms and sentence structures and practise their active use in both everyday and formal situations.

Special offer for learning English in pairs

Skrivanek has prepared a special price offer – when attending or studying an individual foreign language course online in pairs, the tuition fee is charged for a single student only.

Our method for effective foreign language learning

The basis of all our English courses is the development of active language skills – speaking and writing, listening and reading – through interactive and creative exercises, training students to use language spontaneously and in a variety of everyday situations. As our long-term experience shows, in this way, students learn the language more easily and don’t lose motivation to continue learning.

EFFECTO, the method for better foreign language learning, is patented for Skrivanek Holding SE Group’s training centres worldwide, helping you to learn a language quickly and efficiently.

Find out your level of proficiency online/online for free

If you’ve previously learnt English at school or through self-study and now want to improve your English skills, we invite you to take the free English test on our website to assess your prior knowledge. The test will take about 45 minutes, and you’ll receive your results shortly afterwards by email.

Kāpēc mācīties angļu valodu online / tiešsaistē?

Ir daudz veidu, kā iemācīties angļu valodu, bet mūsdienu steidzīgajā dienas ritmā viens no labākajiem un ērtākajiem veidiem ir angļu valodas nodarbības tiešsaistē. Šajā rakstā apskatīsim galvenās priekšrocības, ko sniedz angļu valodas apguve online / tiešsaistē.

Iespēja mācīties angļu valodu sev ērtā vietā

Mēs parasti nepieredzam, ka studenti uz nodarbībām ierodas pidžamā vai ērtākajā mājas tērpā, bet tas ir iespējams, ja apmeklē nodarbības tiešsaistē. Arī atmetot jokus, viena no lielākajām angļu valodas apguves tiešsaistē priekšrocībām ir tā, ka var to darīt, atrodoties mājās vai citā sev ērtā vidē jebkurā vietā pasaulē. Turklāt tas ir lielisks veids, kā ietaupīt laiku, jo, mācoties online / tiešsaistē, nebūs jāpavada laiks ceļā vai sastrēgumos, dodoties uz nodarbību vietu.

Elastīgs mācību grafiks

Vēl viens būtisks online / tiešsaistes nodarbību ieguvums ir iespēja mācīties sev ērtā laikā. Ne vienmēr kursu piedāvātais grafiks sakrīt ar mūsu iespējām, bet, mācoties tiešsaistes programmā, tev 24/7 ir pieeja mācību resursiem un arī ar pasniedzēju var vieglāk vienoties par netipiskāku nodarbību laiku. Atkarībā no tavas noslogotības darbā vai ģimenes dzīvē vari izvēlēties, kad mācīties. Elastīgais nodarbību grafiks ļaus arī vieglāk plānot brīvo laiku un neradīs papildu stresu, ja sanācis aizkavēties darbā vai jāizlaiž nodarbības, jo ieplānots atvaļinājums vai komandējums.

Mācies savā tempā

Tāpat kā mūsu intereses, arī mūsu mācīšanās stils ir dažāds. Katrs strādā un mācās savā tempā. Daži cilvēki uztver jaunu informāciju uzreiz, citiem ir jāatkārto vairāk, lai nostiprinātu jaunas zināšanas. Neviens no gadījumiem nav slikts vai nepareizs, taču, ja mācies nepareizā vidē un ritmā, velti tērēsi savu laiku un naudu. Dažkārt grupu nodarbības bremzē ātrākus studentus un raisa stresu tiem, kuri jaunu informāciju apgūst lēnāk, bet, mācoties online / tiešsaistē individuālās nodarbībās ar pasniedzēju vai apgūstot kādus iepriekš izveidotus kursus, tu pats nosaki tempu. Nav jākonkurē ar nevienu citu vai jāgaida uz grupas biedriem. Tā vietā vari izlaist vai atkārtot materiālu tik reižu, cik nepieciešams, lai justos pārliecināts par saviem rezultātiem.

Vienlaikus var izmantot vairākus resursus

Apmeklēt angļu valodas kursus tiešsaistē nozīmē pavadīt laiku pie datora, un ir daudz veidu, kā to izmantot, piemēram, ja pasniedzējs piemin vārdu, vietu vai izteicienu, kuru neesi dzirdējis, vari to uzreiz pārbaudīt online / tiešsaistē vārdnīcā vai Google meklētāja. Tāpat paralēli var atvērt vairākas cilnes un skatīt ar tēmu saistītus attēlus un videoklipus, kas veidos asociatīvas saites un palīdzēs jaunos vārdus labāk atcerēties. Vairāku resursu izmantošana ir lielisks veids, kā papildināt angļu valodas zināšanas un veicināt mācību efektivitāti.

Nereti tiešsaistes kursu un lietotņu veidotāji arī paši piedāvā daudzveidīgākus mācību materiālus, kā video, audio ieraksti, dažādi interaktīvi testi un uzdevumi. Tas noteikti padara mācīšanos interesantāku.

Angļu valodas kursi online - kādas priekšrocības?

Mazāk stresa, vairāk pārliecības

Daudzi no mums kļūst nervozi, kad kopā ar citiem cilvēkiem jārunā svešā valodā. Varam justies neērti par savu izrunu vai ierobežoto vārdu krājumu, vairāk baidāmies kļūdīties. Tas ir normāli. Tiešsaistē tu vari nebaidīties izskatīties muļķīgi un strādāt tikai kopā ar pasniedzēju individuāli, neuzgrūžot sev papildu uztraukumu par citiem cilvēkiem sev apkārt.

Mazākas izmaksas

Dažādi tiešsaistes kursi un mācību aplikācijas parasti arī izmaksā mazāk, jo organizatoriem atceļ izdevumus, kas saistīti ar aprīkojumu un telpu īri. Viss, kas tev un pasniedzējam ir nepieciešams, ir dators un interneta savienojums, lai piekļūtu mācību materiāliem vai piedalītos videozvanos.

Online / tiešsaistes kopiena, ar ko apgūt valodu

Līdz ar pandēmiju esam jau pielāgojušies attālinātai komunikācijai un mūs vairs nemulsina piedalīšanās sapulcēs, esot telpā vienam. Arī angļu valodas kursi online / tiešsaistē joprojām ir iespēja satikt jaunus cilvēkus. Kopā ar grupas biedriem varat runāt angliski ne tikai nodarbībās, bet, ja vēlaties, arī ārpus tām, izveidojot tiešsaistes draugu klubiņu. Tādējādi varēsi labi pavadīt laiku un uzlabot savu angļu valodas zināšanu līmeni vienlaikus. Satiekoties cilvēkiem ar kopīgām interesēm un mērķiem, bieži dzimst jaunas draudzības.

Individuālie angļu valodas kursi

Online / tiešsaistes angļu valodas kursi ir arī iespēja papildināt savas angļu valodas zināšanas individuāli kopā ar pasniedzēju. Mācoties angļu valodu individuāli tiešsaistē, pasniedzējs gādās, lai tu apgūtu nodarbības vielu, turklāt nodrošinās, lai saturs atbilst tieši tavam angļu valodas zināšanu līmenim.

Varbūt vēlies uzlabot savu angļu valodas gramatiku, gatavojoties eksāmenam, vai priekšā svarīga darba intervija starptautiskā uzņēmumā. Individuālās nodarbības dod iespēju pielāgoties aktuālajām vajadzībām. Piemēram, darbā negaidīti dots uzdevumus novadīt prezentāciju angļu valodā, par ko esi satraucies, – pasniedzējs noteikti labprāt to noklausīsies un sniegs ieteikumus vai palabos kļūdas.

Apgūstot angļu valodu tiešsaistē kopā ar skolotāju, iespējas ir bezgalīgas. Individuāli kursi tiek izstrādāti, lai studenti ātri un efektīvi apgūtu konkrētas angļu valodas prasmes. Tātad tu vari nodrošināt, ka kursos iegūsti to, kas patiešām nepieciešams.

Iespēja mācīties kopā ar cilvēkiem no visas pasaules

Interneta iespējas ir bezgalīgas! Vēl viens iemesls, kāpēc apskatīt iespējas apgūt angļu valodu tiešsaistē, ir dažādi online / tiešsaistes sarunu klubi vai nodarbības ar priekšzināšanām, kur piedalās cilvēki no dažādām valstīm. Turklāt nereti šī ir iespēja attīstīt angļu valodu ar pasniedzēju, kuram angļu valoda ir dzimtā valoda. Tas lieliski palīdzēs darbā ar izrunu.

Pašdisciplīnas treniņš

Vai esi pamanījis, ka nedēļas uzdevumu saraksts tiek pārcelts uz nākamo un nākamo nedēļu? Vai bieži gadās atmest iecerētos mērķus, tā arī nesasniegtus? Gadās, ka kavē termiņus darbā? Tiešsaistes kursi var lieliski palīdzēt disciplinēt sevi un iemācāties pašam uzņemties atbildību par sasniegtajiem rezultātiem.

Mācību rutīna ir veiksmes atslēga

Lai ar iepriekšējo punktu veiktos vieglāk, svarīgi izveidot labu mācību rutīnu, kas palīdz tuvoties izvirzītajam mērķim. Turēties pie izveidotā mācību plāna ir svarīgi, lai nostiprinātu zināšanas un katru dienu kaut nedaudz, bet tomēr iemācītos ko jaunu.

Padomā, kā angļu valodas uzdevumus iekļaut savā ikdienā organiski, piemēram, klausoties raidierakstus vai audio grāmatas, esot ceļā uz darbu, lasot tekstus vai pildot gramatikas testus pusdienu pauzē. Pamazām šādi ieradumi kļūs par normu.

Tāpat plāno savas angļu valodas mācības pa nedēļām, izdomājot, cik daudz vēlies apgūt un cik daudz laika tam varēsi veltīt. Ņem vērā savu noslogotību arī citās dzīves jomās un izvirzi mērķus reālistiski, lai nenāktos pārāk bieži vilties, kad neizdodas tikt galā ar pārlieku lieliem uzdevumiem. Turklāt sadalot lielo mērķi mazākos, biežāk gūsi uzvaras garšu un jutīsi gandarījumu par paveikto.

Vide, kas palīdz mācīties

Lai angļu valodas prasmes apgūt mājās būtu vieglāk, mēs iesakām izveidot mācību stūrīti, kas iedvesmo un ļauj koncentrēties. Droši vien kāds, kurš jau visu dienu pavadījis birojā, labprātāk mācīsies, ērti iekārtojies dīvānā, un to var droši darīt, ja tas netraucē būt mundram un pieslēgties nodarbību saturam, tomēr parasti eksperti iesaka arī mācību vidi veidot līdzīgu darbavietai.

Produktīvas mācību vides atslēga ir noteiktas zonas izveidošana, kur nekas nenovērš uzmanību. Lai arī online / tiešsaistes nodarbībās pavadām laiku pie datora, svarīgi, ka atvērtas tikai lapas, kas saistītas ar mācībām, nevis paralēli vēl tiek pārbaudīti darba e-pasti un sociālie tīkli. Mācoties arī tālrunis var negatīvi ietekmēt uzmanības un laika pārvaldību, tāpēc, ja vien negaidi svarīgu zvanu, izslēdz tā skaņu ikreiz, kad ķeries pie mācībām.

Liela loma ir arī apgaismojumam. Dabiskā dienas gaisma vienmēr telpā ienes siltumu un vitalitāti. Ja iespējams, mēģini novietot nelielu rakstāmgaldu vai galdu pie loga, kas mācību laikā ļautu ieplūst saules gaismai. Ja angļu valodas apguvei velti vakarus, padomā par labu apgaismojumu. Vislabāk, ja gaisma ir aiz muguras vai krīt pāri plecam.

Visbeidzot uzturi mācību vidi kārtīgu un lakonisku. Ja pie šī galda dari arī ko citu, katru reizi pirms mācībām atbrīvo virsmu no visa liekā, lai nekas netraucētu. Izvēlies tādu vietu, kur vari brīvi nolikt datoru, grāmatas un piederumus, un telpas sakārtošanu padari par daļu no mācīšanās procesa. Sakārto mācību galdu arī uzreiz pēc mācīšanās, kas padarīs vieglāku nākamo dienu.

Citi veidi, kā apgūt angļu valodu tiešsaistē

Angļu valodas kursi ir lielisks sākums, taču ir svarīgi regulāri mācīties valodu arī ārpus nodarbību laika, tai veltot kaut 30 minūtes katru dienu. Lai angļu valodas prasmes uzlabotu daudzpusīgi, atrodi TV pārraides, mūzikas grupas, grāmatas, filmas, videoklipus, audio grāmatas, aplikācijas, receptes, žurnālus, raidierakstus – viss, kas ir angļu valodā, derēs. Šādi tu iepazīsi dažādus angļu valodas veidus – gan literāro valodu, gan sarunvalodu – un lieliski papildināsi savu vārdu krājumu.

Pildot kursa uzdevumus vai strādājot ar pasniedzēju, pats jutīsi, kas ir tavas “vājās” vietas valodā un pie kā jāstrādā sevišķi rūpīgi. Dažāda veida saturs angļu valodā lieliski atsvaidzinās tavu mācību rutīnu, vienlaikus nodrošinot arī patīkamu izklaidi.

Cik sarežģīta ir angļu valoda?

Angļu valoda ir pasaulē visvairāk runātā valoda, taču neslēpsim – tā ir arī viena no visgrūtāk apgūstamajām valodām gan plašā vārdu krājuma un idiomu, gan izrunas un gramatisko aspektu dēļ. Tas, cik ātri izdosies apgūt angļu valodu, ir ļoti individuāli. Sākotnējo entuziasmu visu mācību laiku jāpavada arī vēlmei, motivācijai un atdevei – cik stundas, darba un enerģijas esi gatavs ieguldīt mācībās. Pētījumi liecina, ka, veltot angļu valodas apguvei vismaz piecas stundas dienā septiņas dienas nedēļā, gada laikā iespējams no iesācēja kļūt par akadēmiskā līmeņa angļu valodas lietotāju.

Tāpat to, cik viegli vai grūti būs mācīties, ietekmēs arī tavas esošās angļu valodas zināšanas un citu valodu prasmes, kā arī spēja organiski izmantot valodu ikdienā. Vieglāk mācīties angļu valodu būs tiem, kuri jau runā kādā no ģermāņu valodām – vācu, spāņu vai franču valodā.

Angļu valodas kursi online / tiešsaistē Skrivanek

Skrivanek angļu valodu iespējams apgūt gan klātienē, gan tiešsaistē, izvēloties grupu vai individuālas nodarbības jebkurā valodas zināšanu līmenī (A1–C1) – ja esi iesācējs un vēlies apgūt angļu valodu no nulles, gribi atsvaidzināt skolā iegūtās angļu valodas zināšanas vai vēlies uzlabot savas angļu valodas prasmes konkrētam mērķim, piemēram, darbam kādā specifiskā nozarē. Angļu valodas kursi ir sākums daudz jaunām iespējām kā profesionālajā, tā privātajā dzīves jomā. Turklāt apgūt valodu Skrivanek nozīmē ne vien lietderīgi, bet arī interesanti pavadīt savu laiku!

Angļu valodas sarunu klubs online / tiešsaistē

Tiem, kuri vēlas īpaši pilnveidot savas runas prasmes, esam izveidojuši angļu valodas sarunu klubu. Šeit mācību nodarbības ārzemju pasniedzēja vadībā veidotas interaktīvā un izklaidējošā veidā, sarunājoties par daudz un dažādām tēmām, lai attīstītu runāšanas un klausīšanās prasmes.

Pasniedzējs dalībniekus iesaista spēlēs, diskusijās, aicina veidot prezentācijas, izteikties monologā un dialogā, tādējādi palīdzot apgūt plašāku vārdu krājumu, idiomas un teikumu struktūras un trenējot aktīvu to izmantošanu gan ikdienišķās, gan formālās situācijās.

Īpašs piedāvājums, apgūstot angļu valodu divatā

Skrivanek sagatavojis īpašu cenas piedāvājumu – apmeklējot vai mācoties tiešsaistē individuālos svešvalodas kursus divatā, mācību maksa tiek piemērota tikai kā par vienu studentu.

Mūsu izstrādāta metode efektīvai svešvalodas apguvei

Visu mūsu angļu valodas kursu pamatā ir aktīvo valodas prasmju – runāšanas un rakstīšanas, klausīšanās un lasīšanas – attīstīšana caur interaktīviem, radošiem uzdevumiem, nodarbību laikā trenējot studentu spēju valodu izmantot spontāni un dažādās ikdienas dzīvei pietuvinātās situācijās. Kā liecina mūsu ilggadējā pieredze, tādējādi studenti valodu apgūst vieglāk un nezaudē motivāciju turpināt mācīties.

Metode labākai svešvalodas apguvei – EFFECTO – ir patentēta Skrivanek Holding SE grupas mācību centriem visā pasaulē, palīdzot apgūt valodu ātri un efektīvi.

Uzzini savu priekšzināšanu līmeni online / tiešsaistē bez maksas

Ja angļu valodu esi apguvis iepriekš skolā vai pašmācību ceļā un tagad vēlies savas angļu valodas prasmes uzlabot, aicinām izpildīt mūsu mājaslapā pieejamo bezmaksas angļu valodas testu, lai saprastu, kādas ir tavas priekšzināšanas. Tests aizņems apmēram 45 minūtes, un drīz pēc tam e-pastā saņemsi savus rezultātus.

9 reasons to learn foreign languages

One of the ways to invest in your future and make life more interesting is to learn new skills. It is not coincidence that successful people learn something new and grow every day. Why not a new foreign language? Once you’ve found a goal that is close and important to you, the motivation to learn a new language is also much more stronger, which is why we’ve summarised nine advantages and benefits of learning languages for your professional and personal life.

Competitiveness in the labour market

Learning a foreign language can significantly improve career growth. First of all, language skills make you more attractive to potential employers because many companies and organisations operate in the international market and value employees who can communicate with people from other countries. Secondly, it’s an opportunity to open up new job opportunities and work in industries that may not have been available before. Tourism, engineering, communication, education, international law, economics, politics, publishing, advertising, entertainment, science, entrepreneurship and many service fields all need people with good language skills.

Nowadays, knowledge of the English language has already become a self-evident practice, so employees who can speak at least three foreign languages are valued higher. With the expansion of cooperation with Scandinavian countries, it’s important to learn the languages of the region, but research shows that German, Polish, French, Russian and other languages are also demanded by the labour market.

Education abroad

Knowledge of languages allows you to get an education in the best educational institutions in Europe and the world. Although studying abroad may seem challenging at first, overcoming such challenges provides valuable experience and life skills. Apprehension is natural at first, but stepping outside your comfort zone like this will develop all sorts of skills and boost your self-confidence.

Studying abroad helps you learn new languages, appreciate other cultures, overcome the challenges of life in another country and gain a better understanding of the world. These are the qualities that today’s companies are looking for when hiring, and these skills will only become more important in the future.

Improve your memory

Just as in sport, when you train your muscles regularly you get stronger, the more we exercise our brain, the better and more efficiently it works. Learning a new language requires getting to know new grammar rules and vocabulary. All this perfectly trains the memory, and a good memory and a sharp mind, as we know, are useful for us at work, for example, remembering to send an important e-mail or submit a quarterly reports to a colleague, and in our everyday and personal life, remembering loved ones’ birthdays and making sure the door is locked and the iron is switched off.

Improve your multitasking abilities

Time management and multitasking are skills that will always come in handy. How does this relate to languages? Multilingual people are able to think and communicate in different languages and switch between them. Studies have shown that learning languages significantly improves cognitive abilities, with people becoming more creative and better at problem-solving. In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to be flexible, adaptable and responsive is vital. These skills not only facilitate language learning itself but also help you to react quickly to unexpected situations and prioritise work tasks.

Travelling becomes easier

It’s 10 p.m., you’ve just got off a 14-hour flight, and all you want to do is go to bed quickly to gather your strength for the next day. Even with today’s technology, finding accommodation can be much slower and more complicated if you’re only armed with a few tourist terms in the local language. In addition, knowing languages to at least a good conversational level often helps you to have a more authentic travel experience by finding better places to stay, meeting people and finding cafes and cultural venues that are popular with locals. Trying to speak the language of the country you’re travelling in is a way to show respect and earn a welcoming and friendly attitude.

Openness and diversity

Knowledge of foreign languages is the foundation of modern education and liberal life views. Learning a language and immersing yourself in a completely new culture and worldview is the surest way to become an open, understanding and tolerant person; it is absolutely invaluable. Seeing the world from a different point of view, being aware of your own roots and welcoming diversity is an essential part of expanding your horizons. The fact that we’re so different is something to be proud of.

Enjoy culture and art in the original language

Learning a foreign language gives you greater access to literature, films and music in the original language. It can be a great way to learn more about the culture and history of the language you’re learning. Different language skills offer much greater access to information in general, from the arts to science and philosophy, cooking or construction.

Not only do foreign language skills improve but also those in the mother tongue

Learning a new language can actually considerably improve your mother tongue skills. It’s about the process of learning a language – when learning vocabulary in a foreign language, we also work with grammar, sentence constructions and synonyms in our mother tongue, while practise communicating with people in a foreign language improves general communication skills.

Easier with each subsequent language

Learning a language sharpens the mind and develops the brain’s synapses, which in turn facilitates the learning process in general, so breaking through the thickets of the first foreign language will make each subsequent language an easier task. Moreover, no language is unique, and noticing the most important regularities in language learning and their use can help us understand the principles of language learning more clearly. In related languages, both the principles of grammatical constructions and words, their pronunciation and meaning are repeated and overlap; therefore, for example, when living on the border areas and establishing social ties with neighbours, people often speak both Latvian and Lithuanian.

Learn languages at Skrivanek

The Skrivanek Learning Centre is a Skrivanek Baltic company and offers foreign language learning in a convenient way – in person at our office or remotely, in group and individual lessons. Our language courses are suitable for both individuals and groups who want to improve the foreign language skills of their employees. We also have language and adventure camps for children and young people, so that they can enthusiastically learn foreign languages without pressure and from an early age.

Teachers working at Skrivanek use the EFFECTO method for more effective foreign language learning, which focuses on developing active language skills and putting them into practice from the very first lesson.

Skrivanek offers English, Spanish, French, Italian, Norwegian, German, Swedish and Russian language courses in groups, while in private lessons it is also possible to learn Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish, Arabic and more. If you want to see what our courses have to offer and find out more about them, please visit our language school website or contact us.

9 iemesli kādēļ mācīties svešvalodas

9 iemesli, kāpēc mācīties svešvalodas

Viens no veidiem, kā investēt savā nākotnē un padarīt dzīvi interesantāku, ir jaunu prasmju apguve. Ne velti cilvēki, kuri gūst panākumus, ir tie, kuri katru dienu uzzina un apgūst ko jaunu. Kāpēc lai tā nebūtu jauna svešvaloda? Kad sev tuvs un svarīgs mērķis ir atrasts, arī motivācija mācīties jaunu valodu ir daudz noturīgāka, tāpēc esam apkopojoši deviņas priekšrocības un ieguvumus profesionālajā un personiskajā dzīvē, apgūstot valodas.

Konkurētspēja darba tirgū

Svešvalodas apguve var būtiski uzlabot karjeras izaugsmi. Pirmkārt, valodu prasmes tevi padara pievilcīgāku potenciālajiem darba devējiem, jo daudzi uzņēmumi un organizācijas darbojas starptautiskajā tirgū un novērtē darbiniekus, kuri var sazināties ar cilvēkiem no citām valstīm. Otrkārt, tā ir iespēja pavērt jaunas darba iespējas un strādāt nozarēs, kas, iespējams, iepriekš nebija pieejamas. Tūrisms, inženierzinātnes, komunikācijas, izglītības joma, starptautiskās tiesības, ekonomika, politika, izdevējdarbība, reklāma, izklaide, zinātne, uzņēmējdarbība un visbeidzot daudzās pakalpojumu jomas sagaida speciālistus ar labām valodu zināšanām.

Mūsdienās angļu valodas zināšanas jau kļuvušas par pašsaprotamu praksi, tāpēc augstāk tiek vērtēti darbinieki, kuri prot vismaz trīs svešvalodas. Paplašinoties sadarbībai ar skandināvu valstīm, ir svarīgi apgūt arī šī reģiona valodas, taču pētījumi liecina, ka darba tirgū nav zudis pieprasījums arī pēc vācu, poļu, franču, krievu un citās valodās runājošiem darbiniekiem.

Izglītība ārvalstīs

Valodu zināšanas ļauj iegūt izglītību labākajās Eiropas un pasaules izglītības iestādēs. Lai arī sākumā mācības ārvalstīs var šķist izaicinošas, tieši šie izaicinājumi kļūst par daļu no vērtīgas pieredzes un lieliskas dzīves skolas. Sākotnējās bažas ir dabiskas, taču šāda izkāpšana ārpus komforta zonas attīstīs visdažādākās prasmes un stiprinās pašapziņu.

Mācības ārvalstīs palīdz apgūt jaunas valodas, novērtēt citas kultūras, pārvarēt dzīves izaicinājumus citā valstī un iegūt labāku izpratni par pasauli. Šīs ir īpašības, ko mūsdienu uzņēmumi meklē, pieņemot darbā, un nākotnē šādas prasmes kļūs tikai svarīgākas.

Uzlabo savu atmiņu

Līdzīgi kā sportā, regulāri trenējot muskuļus, arī intelektuāli jo vairāk mēs nodarbinām savas smadzenes, jo labāk un efektīvāk tās strādā. Jaunas valodas mācīšanās liek iepazīties ar jauniem gramatikas likumiem un apgūt jaunu vārdu krājumu. Tas viss lieliski trenē atmiņu, un laba atmiņa un mundrs prāts, kā zināms, mums lieti noder gan darbā, atceroties nosūtīt svarīgu e-pastu vai iesniegt kolēģim ceturkšņa atskaites, gan sadzīvē un personīgajā dzīvē, neaizmirstot tuvinieku dzimšanas dienas un esot drošiem, ka durvis ir aizslēgtas un gludeklis izslēgts.

Uzlabo savas vairākuzdevumu veikšanas spējas

Laika plānošana un vairākuzdevumu veikšana ir prasmes, kas noderēs vienmēr. Kā tas ir saistīts ar valodām? Daudzvalodīgi cilvēki spēj domāt un sazināties dažādās valodās, pārslēgties no vienas valodas uz citu. Pētījumi pierādījuši, ka valodu apguve ievērojami uzlabo kognitīvās spējas, cilvēki kļūst radošāki un ir labāki problēmu risinātāji. Mūsdienu straujajā ritmā spēja būt elastīgam, pielāgoties un reaģēt uz aktuālo situāciju ir zelta vērtē. Šīs prasmes ne tikai atvieglo pašu valodu apguvi, bet arī palīdz operatīvi reaģēt neparedzētās situācijas un risināt darba uzdevumus prioritāri.

Ceļošana kļūst vienkāršāka

Ir pulksten 22.00, tu tikko izkāpi no 14 stundu lidojuma, un viss, ko vēlies darīt, ir ātri doties pie miera, lai uzkrātu spēkus nākamās dienas plāniem. Pat ar mūsdienu tehnoloģiju iespējām, ja esi bruņojies tikai ar dažiem tūrista terminiem vietējā valodā, naktsmītnes atrašana var izvērsties krietni lēnāka un sarežģītāka. Turklāt valodu zināšanas vismaz labā sarunvalodas līmenī bieži palīdz iegūt autentiskāku ceļojuma pieredzi, atrodot izdevīgākas vietas, kur apmesties, iepazīstoties ar cilvēkiem un atrodot kafejnīcas un kultūras vietas, ko iecienījuši vietējie. Ceļojuma laikā censties runāt šīs valsts valodā ir veids, kā izrādīt cieņu un nopelnīt arī pretimnākošu un draudzīgu attieksmi.

Svešvalodas apguves priekšrocības

Atvērtība un pasaules dažādība

Svešvalodu zināšanas ir mūsdienīgas izglītības un liberālu dzīves uzskatu pamats. Valodas apguve un gremdēšanās pilnīgi jaunā kultūrā un pasaules skatījumā un ir drošākais veids, kā kļūt par atvērtu, saprotošu, iecietīgu cilvēku, tas ir absolūti nenovērtējami. Ieraudzīt pasauli no cita skatupunkta, apzināties savas saknes, būt atvērtam daudzveidībai ir būtiska apziņu paplašinoša pieredze. Ar to, ka esam tik dažādi, noteikti jālepojas.

Izbaudi kultūru un mākslu oriģinālvalodā

Svešvalodas apguve sniedz plašāku piekļuvi literatūrai, filmām un mūzikai oriģinālvalodā. Tas var būt lielisks veids, kā uzzināt vairāk par apgūstamās valodas kultūru un vēsturi. Dažādu valodu prasmes piedāvā daudz lielāku informācijas pieejamību kopumā, sākot ar mākslu, beidzot ar zinātni un filozofiju, kulināriju vai būvniecību.

Uzlabojas ne tikai svešvalodas, bet arī dzimtās valodas prasmes

Jaunas valodas apguve patiesībā var ievērojami uzlabot arī dzimtās valodas prasmes. Tas saistīts ar valodas apguves procesu – apgūstot vārdu krājumu svešvalodā, mēs vienlaikus strādājam ar gramatiku, teikumu konstrukcijām un sinonīmiem arī savā dzimtajā valodā, savukārt trenējoties ar cilvēkiem sazināties svešvalodā, uzlabojas vispārējās komunikācijas prasmes.

Ar katru nākamo valodu arvien vieglāk

Valodas mācīšanās asina prātu un attīsta smadzeņu sinapses, un tas savukārt atvieglo mācīšanās procesu kopumā, tāpēc izlaužoties cauri pirmās svešvalodas brikšņiem, katra nākamā valoda būs jau vienkāršāks uzdevums. Turklāt neviena valoda nav unikāla, un, pamanot nozīmīgākās likumsakarības valodu apguvē un to lietojumā, var skaidrāk saprast valodu apguves principus. Radniecīgās valodās atkārtojas un pārklājas gan gramatisko konstrukciju principi, gan vārdi, to izruna un nozīme, tāpēc, piemēram, dzīvojot pierobežā un izveidojot sociālas saites ar kaimiņiem, cilvēki nereti runā gan latviešu valodā, gan lietuviešu valodā.

Mācies valodas Skrivanek

Mācību centrs Skrivanek ir izveidots valodu uzņēmuma Skrivanek Baltic paspārnē un piedāvā apgūt svešvalodas klientiem ērtā veidā – klātienē mūsu birojā vai attālināti, grupu un individuālās nodarbībās. Mūsu izstrādātie valodu kursi piemēroti gan privātpersonām, gan uzņēmumiem, kas vēlas uzlabot savu darbinieku svešvalodu zināšanas. Tāpat esam sagatavojuši valodu un piedzīvojumu nometnes bērniem un jauniešiem, lai viņi apgūtu svešvalodas nepiespiesti un ar aizrautību jau no mazotnes.

Pasniedzēji nodarbībās strādā pēc Skrivanek izstrādātās mācību metodes EFFECTO efektīvākai svešvalodas apguvei, kas koncentrējas uz valodas aktīvo prasmju attīstīšanu un praktisku pielietojumu jau pirmajās nodarbībās.

Skrivanek piedāvā angļu, spāņu, franču, itāļu, norvēģu, vācu, zviedru un krievu valodas kursus grupās, savukārt privātstundās iespējams apgūt arī igauņu, lietuviešu, ukraiņu, poļu, arābu valodu un ne tikai. Ja vēlies apskatīt kursu piedāvājumu un uzzināt vairāk par to norisi, apmeklē mūsu valodu skolas mājaslapu vai sazinies ar mums.

How artificial intelligence is impacting traditional language learning in the classroom

Language learning has always been an educational and fascinating process, but the advent of artificial intelligence has made it even more exciting for booth those who learn and those who teach. Recently, more than one question has been raised about the impact of artificial intelligence on traditional ways of learning and teaching foreign languages. Are these changes positive or negative? The answer is simple – of course AI has influenced language learning! Here, we will try to give a professional opinion about the advantages of AI according to the foreign language teachers of Skrivanek Learning Centre, as well as what disadvantages we see at the moment.

If you are currently learning a new foreign language or improving your existing language skills, AI tools can perfectly complement this process with tailor-made solutions alongside your existing training. Skrivanek has compiled a list of the most effective tools by surveying its teachers and students who use various language learning tools and apps. For conversation practice and speaking skills, there are various AI tools and chatbots such as LangAI, Talkvise, Tutor Lily, and Language Buddy, which you can use as a virtual tutor, available at a time and place that is convenient for you – it will answer questions, can talk to you, correct mistakes and give you immediate feedback on areas for improvement. If you are new to the language, it is recommended to use apps that allow you to set your native language to understand the explanations of errors, as they tend to be quite detailed. For vocabulary learning and expansion, the DuoLingo and FunEasyLearn apps are popular among Skrivanek students and incorporate various methods and visualisations for learning vocabulary in different languages. For the self-study of English grammar, Skrivanek recommends downloading The British Council’s LearnEnglish Grammar app, which is available for all levels and contains brief explanations of grammar rules and various types of comprehension exercises to practice grammar forms. Of course, you can also check your answers and get corrections from the app. Another popular app is Grammarly, which comes in handy for those who write their own texts on a daily basis and want to check the correctness of the language, spelling and style of words, for example, when writing an email.

However, Skrivanek Baltic language teachers have noticed a disturbing nuance: students often ask us tricky questions regarding AI solutions. In particular, when AI is used independently without the guidance of an experienced tutor, it is difficult for the student to navigate the methodology and terminology of the language – if you don’t know the specific terminology of the language, it’s difficult to formulate an assignment to submit to the AI tool, and the nature of your exercises may be random, very general, and standardised. For example, if the tool is tasked with creating a grammar exercise, it will create a standard exercise on the most common verb tenses that you already know. But grammar is not just about verbs! Similarly with vocabulary, style or topics of conversation – if you don’t use the right words to “talk” to the AI, it will generate something generic. A knowledgeable and competent tutor is therefore indispensable to give advice on how to use AI when studying to learn the language effectively.

Another nuance, also noted by the BBC, is the apparent self-awareness of AI! In addition, developers always remind us that the tool may provide erroneous or inaccurate data. And yet, the facts can be presented very convincingly, as the content floats in front of your eyes. Thus, if the language learner is not at the level of an independent language user, the learner may well accept all the information provided by AI without questioning it. Again, a competent trainer is needed to help assess the reliability of the AI-generated content and recommend exercises of the appropriate level. Artificial intelligence tools integrated into existing foreign language learning systems, together with the work of professional language teachers, are the perfect combination for achieving the best results in foreign language learning.

Foreign language teachers are also seeing and appreciate the benefits of AI. Teachers are increasingly discussing how to use AI more and in better ways to generate new ideas that complement the curriculum and improve activities in the classroom.

Skrivanek Learning Centre appreciates the potential of artificial intelligence in language learning. It is, however, important that a professional evaluates and monitors the use of AI in practice because, at least for now, AI has not yet replaced human, professional judgement and decision-making skills; that being said, it is an excellent tool to help implement ideas about the diversity of content and form. The ideas and opinions expressed by AI have also been taken into account in the writing of this article, but the content has mainly been created based on the author’s observations of professional language teaching practice and the study of other professionals in discussions and publications.

By creatively and analytically using AI, Skrivanek Baltic is also able to offer its customers higher quality language training. Check out the language course schedule, choose the language course that suits you, and start learning!

Prepared by T. Pafrāte, Methodologist at Skrivanek Training Centre

Kā mākslīgais intelekts ietekmē tradicionālās valodu mācības klasē?

Kā mākslīgais intelekts ietekmē tradicionālās valodu mācības klasē

Valodu mācības vienmēr bijis izzinošs un aizraujošs process, bet mākslīgā intelekta klātbūtne to padarījusi vēl aizraujošāku gan tiem, kas mācās, gan tiem, kas māca. Pēdējā laikā radies ne viens vien jautājums, vai mākslīgais intelekts ir ietekmējis tradicionālos svešvalodu mācīšanās un mācīšanas veidus. Vai šīs izmaiņas ir pozitīvas vai negatīvas? Atbilde ir vienkārša — protams, mākslīgais intelekts ir ietekmējis arī valodu mācību jomu! Šeit centīsimies sniegt profesionālu viedokli par mākslīgā intelekta priekšrocībām Mācību centra Skrivanek valodu pasniedzēju ieskatā, un kādus trūkumus mēs šobrīd saredzam.

Ja pašreiz apgūstat jaunu svešvalodu vai pilnveidojat jau zināmas svešvalodas prasmes, mākslīgā intelekta rīki šo procesu var lieliski papildināt ar individuāli pielāgotiem risinājumiem līdztekus esošajām mācībām. Aptaujājot savus pasniedzējus un studentus, kuri valodu mācībās izmanto dažādus rīkus un lietotnes, Skrivanek veicis apkopojumu par efektīvākajiem rīkiem. Sarunu praksei un runas prasmju attīstībai ir pieejami dažādi mākslīgā intelekta rīki un tērzēšanas boti, piemēram LangAITalkviseTutor LilyLanguage Buddy, kurus jūs varat izmantot kā virtuālu privātskolotāju, kas pieejams jums ērtā laikā un vietā — tas sniegs atbildes uz jautājumiem, spēs sarunāties ar jums, labos kļūdas un sniegs tūlītēju atgriezenisko saiti par to, kādas jomas būtu jāuzlabo. Ja esat iesācējs valodas apguvē, ieteicams izmantot lietotnes, kur iespējams iestatīt jūsu dzimto valodu, lai izprastu kļūdu skaidrojumus, jo tie mēdz būt diezgan detalizēti. Vārdu krājuma apguvei un paplašināšanai Skrivanek studentu vidū iecienītas lietotnes DuoLingo un FunEasyLearn, kurās iestrādātas dažādas metodes un vizualizācijas vārdu krājuma apguvei dažādās valodās. Angļu valodas gramatikas patstāvīgai apguvei Skrivanek iesaka lejupielādēt The British Council (Lielbritānijas Padomes) LearnEnglish Grammar lietotni, kas pieejama visiem līmeņiem un kurā atrodami kodolīgi gramatikas likumu skaidrojumi un dažāda veida izpratnes vingrinājumi gramatikas formu praksei. Protams, arī šajā lietotnē ir iespējams pārbaudīt savas atbildes un saņemt kļūdu labojumus. Vēl populāra lietotne ir Grammarly, kas lieti noder tiem, kuri paši ikdienā raksta tekstus un vēlas pārliecināties par valodas pareizību, vārdu pareizrakstību un stila atbilstību, piemēram, ja jāuzraksta e-pasts.

Tomēr Skrivanek Baltic valodas pasniedzēji savā pieredzē ir pamanījuši kādu traucējošu niansi, jo studenti mums bieži uzdod āķīgus jautājumus par un ap mākslīgā intelekta risinājumiem. Proti, ja mākslīgais intelekts tiek lietots patstāvīgi bez pieredzējuša pasniedzēja konsultācijas, studentam ir sarežģīti orientēties valodas metodikā un terminoloģijā — ja nav zināma specifiska valodas terminoloģija, tad kā jūs formulēsit uzdevumu, ko nosūtīt mākslīgā intelekta rīkam, un jūsu vingrinājumu raksturs var gadīties nejaušs, ļoti vispārīgs un standartizēts. Piemēram, ja rīkam tiek dots uzdevums izveidot gramatikas vingrinājumu, tas radīs standarta uzdevumu par izplatītākajām darbības vārda laika formām, kuras jūs jau pārzināt. Bet gramatika nav tikai darbības vārdi! Līdzīgi būs ar leksiku, stilistiku vai sarunu tematiem — ja netiks lietoti pareizie vārdi, kā “runāt” ar mākslīgo intelektu, tas ģenerēs kaut ko vispārīgu. Tāpēc zinošs un kompetents pasniedzējs ir neaizstājams, jo spēs konsultēt, kā prasmīgi apieties ar mākslīgo intelektu mācībās, lai efektīvi apgūtu valodu.

Vēl viena nianse, ko atzīmē arī BBC, ir mākslīgā intelekta šķietamā pašapziņa! Arī izstrādātāji vienmēr atgādina, ka rīks var sniegt kļūdainus vai neprecīzus datus. Un tomēr fakti var tikt pasniegti ļoti pārliecinoši, jo saturs zibenīgi virknējas jūsu acu priekšā. Tādējādi, ja apgūstamā valoda nav patstāvīga valodas lietotāja līmenī, students diezgan viegli var neapšaubot pieņemt visu informāciju, ko sniedz mākslīgais intelekts. Šajā gadījumā atkal ir nepieciešams kompetents pasniedzējs, kas ar savām zināšanām palīdzēs izvērtēt mākslīgā intelekta radītā satura uzticamību un konsultēt par aktivitātēm, kas piemērotas attiecīgajam līmenim. Mākslīgā intelekta rīki, kas tiek integrēti esošajās valodu mācībās kopā ar profesionālu valodas pasniedzēju darbu ir lielisks papildinājums, lai panāktu vislabāko rezultātu svešvalodu apguvē.

Arī svešvalodu pasniedzēji saredz un novērtē mākslīgā intelekta priekšrocības. Pasniedzēji arvien biežāk diskutē, kā vairāk un labāk izmantot mākslīgo intelektu, lai ar tā palīdzību ģenerētu jaunas idejas, ar kurām papildināt mācību saturu un dažādot praktiskās aktivitātes klasē.

Mācību centrs Skrivanek augstu vērtē mākslīgā intelekta iespējas valodu mācībās. Ar nosacījumu, ka dabiskais intelekts jeb profesionālis izvērtē un kontrolē mākslīgā intelekta izmantošanu praksē, jo vismaz šobrīd mākslīgais intelekts vēl neaizstāj cilvēka, speciālista spriestspēju un lēmuma pieņemšanas prasmes, bet ir lielisks līdzeklis, kas palīdz ar idejām par satura un formu daudzveidību. Arī veidojot šo rakstu, tika izvērtētas mākslīgā intelekta ģenerētās idejas un viedokļi, bet saturs radīts, pirmkārt, balstoties uz autora novērojumiem profesionālajā valodu pasniegšanas praksē un veicot izpēti par citu speciālistu viedokli diskusijās un publikācijās.

Radoši un analītiski izmantojot mākslīgā intelekta iespējas, arī Skrivanek Baltic spēj piedāvāt saviem klientiem augstākas kvalitātes valodu mācības. Ieskatieties valodu kursu grafikā, izvēlies sev piemērotāko valodu kursu un sāc mācīties!

Sagatavoja Mācību centra Skrivanek metodoloģe T. Pafrāte

Sākusies Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju pieteikšanās bezmaksas latviešu valodas mācībām

Latviešu valodas kursi Ukrainas iedzīvotājiem


Mācību centrs Skrivanek organizē bezmaksas latviešu valodas mācības Ukrainas civiliedzīvotājiem. Mācības finansiāli atbalsta Sabiedrības integrācijas fonds no piešķirtajiem Latvijas valsts budžeta līdzekļiem.

Aktuālās mācību grupas:


  • no 8.  augusta līdz 16. novembrim, no plkst. 13.00 līdz 16.15, otrdienās mūsu biroja telpās Lāčplēša ielā 87c, Rīgā, ceturtdienās attālināti, caur Zoom;
  • no 10. augusta līdz 9. novembrim, pirmdienās no plkst. 10.15 līdz 12.40, attālināti, caur Zoom, trešdienās no plkst. 09.00 līdz 11.25 attālināti, caur Zoom, ceturtdienās no plkst. 17.15 līdz 19.45 klātienē mūsu biroja telpās Lāčplēša ielā 87c, Rīgā.


  • no 4. septembra līdz 10. novembrim, pirmdienās no plkst. 18.00 līdz 21.15 klātienē mūsu biroja telpās Lāčplēša ielā 87c, Rīgā, trešdienās no plkst. 18.00 līdz 21.15 attālināti, caur Zoom, piektdienās no plkst. 08.30 līdz 11.45 attālināti, caur Zoom;
  • no 4. septembra līdz 8. novembrim, no plkst. 18.00 līdz 21.15, pirmdienās klātienē mūsu biroja telpās Lāčplēša ielā 87c, Rīgā, otrdienās un trešdienās attālināti, caur Zoom.

Mācības notiek krievu valodā.

Lai pieteiktos mācībām, rakstiet uz [email protected] vai zvaniet pa tālruni + 37125667752.


Навчальний центр Skrivanek Baltic організовує безкоштовні уроки латиської мови для громадян України. Навчання фінансується Фондом інтеграції суспільства за рахунок коштів, виділених з державного бюджету Латвії.

Зараз діють такі навчальні групи:


  • З 8 серпня до 16 листопада з 13:00 до 16:15 щовівторка — очно, за адресою: Рига, вул. Лачплеша, 87c (Lāčplēša ielā 87c), щочетверга — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom;
  • З 10 серпня до 9 листопада щопонеділка з 10:15 до 12:40 — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom, щосереди з 09:00 до 11:25 — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom, щочетверга з 17:15 до 19:45 — очно, за адресою: Рига, вул. Лачплеша, 87c.


  • З 4 вересня до 8 листопада з 18:00 до 21:15 щопонеділка — очно, за адресою: Рига, вул. Лачплеша, 87c, щовівторка та щосереди — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom.
  • З 4 вересня до 10 листопада щопонеділка з 18:00 до 21:15 — очно, за адресою: Рига, вул. Лачплеша, 87c, щосереди з 18:00 до 21:15 — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom, та щоп’ятниці з 08:30 до 11:45 — дистанційно, в онлайн-режимі через програму Zoom.

Навчання проходить російською мовою.

Щоб подати заявку на навчання, пишіть на електронну пошту: [email protected] або телефонуйте за номером +371 25667752.


Учебный центр Skrivanek Baltic организует бесплатные курсы латышского языка для гражданских лиц Украины. Обучение финансируется Фондом интеграции общества из средств государственного бюджета Латвии.

Актуальная информация:


  • С 8 августа по 16 ноября с 13.00 до 16.15 по вторникам очно, по адресу Рига, Lāčplēša ielā 87c, по четвергам удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум;
  • С 10 августа по 9 ноября по понедельникам с 10.15 до 12.40 удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум, по средам с 09.00 до 11.25 удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум, по четвергам с 17.15 до 19.45 очно, по адресу Рига, Lāčplēša ielā 87c.


  • С 4 сентября по 8 ноября с 18.00 до 21.15 по понедельникам очно, по адресу Рига, Lāčplēša ielā 87c, по вторникам и средам  удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум;
  • С 4 сентября по 10 ноября по понедельникам с 18.00 до 21.15 очно, по адресу Рига, Lāčplēša ielā 87c, по средам с 18.00 до 21.15 удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум и по пятницам с 08.30 до 11.45 удаленно, в онлайн режиме через программу Зум.

Занятия проводятся на русском языке.

Чтобы подать заявку на курсы, просьба писать на [email protected] или звонить по телефону + 37125667752.

Slang – the hidden treasure of language

A wide vocabulary is the Holy Grail of any language learner, but let’s face it – no one speaks like a thesaurus, and some expressions or word forms can only be found in literature. Slang lives on the streets, on websites, at house parties and in supermarket lines at the checkout, and is given special flavour due to it being so specific and only understandable to those who know the language. Slang is found in all languages and is worth knowing to avoid getting into awkward situations. It can range from barbarisms, including borrowings from other languages, to words only used in the professional lexicon. Slang also includes colloquialisms and jargon used by members of particular social groups.

Traditionally, slang has been predominantly used by young people, who have always considered it an honourable thing to fill their speech to the brim with words that their ancestors and other elderly people would certainly no longer understand. It is sometimes said that slang is simply non-literary language, but a little research will give you an explanation and the history behind almost every slang word. Since communication has become increasingly virtual, English slang words have become more and more common in other languages, including Latvian, and are even localised – for example, it’s no longer unusual for someone to call another person a “drama queen” in the heat of a discussion, with the expression translated word for word. Here are some popular English slang words to remember to expand your vocabulary and get along in a wide variety of social settings:

noun. An eccentric or unusual person.

Noun. An eccentric or unusual person.
He’s really quite an odd fish.
Adjective. To be extremely tired.

Adjective. To be extremely tired.
He really enjoyed his birthday party, but he’s completely zonked out now!
noun. A long and pleasant conversation between friends.

Noun. A long and pleasant conversation between friends.
I saw Mary for the first time in ages yesterday! We had a lovely chin wag together, like in the good old days.
Adjective. To be very pleased, proud, or happy about something.

Adjective. Feeling very happy or proud about something.
My mum bought me a fantastic car when I passed my driving test. I was chuffed to bits.
noun. This is another name for Murphy’s Law – whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Noun. Synonymous with Murphy’s Law – anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
I wore my pretty new dress because it was a sunny day, but as soon as I stepped out of the house, it started raining and I got completely soaked! Sod’s Law!
Adjective. Delicious, lovely.

Adjective. Delicious, charming.
All we had was bread and butter, cake, and strawberries with cream; but oh, it was all so scrummy.
noun. A cigarette made by hand from loose tobacco and cigarette paper.

Noun. A cigarette made by hand from loose tobacco and cigarette paper.
Pass me a roll-up, please.
Adjective. Dressed up, overdressed.

Adjective. Dressed up, overdressed.
He was all ponced up, like he was going somewhere fancy.
noun. Beer.

Noun. Beer.
He ordered one more glass of amber fluid.
noun. A person obsessed with using the internet.

Noun. A person obsessed with the internet.
You are such a net head!
Verb phrase. To hurry up, to do it quickly.

Verb. To hurry up, to do it quickly.
Steve, the film starts in five minutes, so if you’re going to wash your hair you’d better make it snappy.
noun. An eating establishment, café, restaurant or snack bar.

Noun. An eating establishment, café, restaurant or snack bar.
This place is more of a noshery than a simple café and has the advantage of being licensed to stay open 24 hours a day.
noun. A weak and ineffectual person. Derogatory.

Noun. Has a derogatory meaning – a weak and incapable person.
His father is a spineless jellyfish who lets his wife rule with an iron fist.
Phrase. (One’s) feet when they are tired and aching.

Expression. (One’s) feet when they are tired and sore.
Do you mind if I sit down, my dogs are barking!
Verb phrase. To become very emotional, get angry.

Verb. Become very emotional, get angry.
I really went bananas when she told me she wanted to move out.
noun. Denotes respect or appreciation.

Noun. Denotes respect or appreciation.
I know he failed the test, but you’ve got to give him props for trying.
Idiom. Used to signify that a person finally understands something.

Idiom. Used to signify that a person finally understands something.
Thank God for that! The penny’s finally dropped and we can all go home now.
Adjective. Used to describe a situation in which events do not occur as planned or anticipated. Often implies disappointment or discontent with the results.

Adjective. Used to describe a situation in which events do not occur as planned or anticipated. Often implies disappointment or discontent with the results.
I was trying to organise a surprise birthday party for her, but it’s all gone pear-shaped!
Verb phrase. To chat or gossip.

Verb. To chat or gossip.
Yeah, come round and join us, we’re just chewing the fat over a glass or two of wine.
noun. A spider, worm, or other small, flightless creature, especially one that is considered unpleasant or frightening.

Noun. A spider, worm or other small, flightless creature, especially one that is unpleasant or frightening.
Clara started to hallucinate, seeing creepy-crawlies on her bed.
Adjective. Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.

Adjective. Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease
And now comes the best and most horrible part of the story, which of course, gives me the ‘creepy-crawlies’.
noun. A person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.

Adjective. Frustrated, angry or annoyed.
Shut that blabbermouth up; he hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about!
noun. An unnecessary or over-complicated task, especially one that is perceived as a waste of time.

Noun. An unnecessary or overly complicated activity, especially one that is perceived as a waste of time.
Adjusting this television is a bit of a faff.
Verb. To waste time on an unproductive activity.

Verb. Wasting time on unproductive activities.
Come on, we have to go now. Stop faffing around, we’re going to be late!
Verb. To sell something.

Verb. To sell something.
I managed to flog my car for a really good price!
Adjective phrase. Very energetic and enthusiastic.

Adjective. Very energetic and enthusiastic.
I’ve never known anyone to be so full of beans before breakfast.
Adverb phrase. Seemingly unintentionally, but deliberately.

Adverb. Seemingly unintentionally, but deliberately.
I’ve never liked these glasses of Peter’s. I might drop them one day – accidentally-on-purpose…
noun. A short sleep or nap.

Noun. A short sleep or nap.
If you’re feeling drowsy, take forty winks; I’ll wake you when our guests arrive.
noun. A good friend or mate.

Noun. A good friend or mate.
We’ve been pals since we were kids.
noun. A person devoted to spending as much time as possible on the beach.

Noun. A person who spends as much time as possible on the beach.
I could quite easily become a beach bum and spend the rest of my days lying in the sun.
Adjective. Fed up, angry or annoyed.

Adjective. Frustrated, angry or annoyed.
Working with Caroline is not easy. She gets really cheesed off when people don’t agree with her.
noun. A friendly way of saying goodbye, formerly also a phrase used as a greeting or toast.

Noun. A friendly way of saying goodbye, formerly also a phrase used as a greeting or toast.
Cheerio! Have a good trip!
Slengs - valodas bagātība

Slengs – valodas slepenā bagātība

Plašs vārdu krājums ir ikviena valodu zinātāja galvenā bagātība. Taču ir arī jāatzīst – neviens nerunā kā no grāmatas, un daži izteicieni vai vārdu formas atrodamas vairs tikai literatūras apcirkņos. Sarunvaloda dzīvo ielās, interneta vietnēs, mājas viesībās un lielveikalu burzmā, un īpašu garšu un smeķi tai piešķir tik specifiskais un tikai valodas pārzinātājiem saprotamais slengs jeb žargons. Slengs sastopams pilnīgi visās valodās, un to vērts pārzināt, lai neiekultos kādās neveiklās situācijās. Slengs var būt gan dažādi barbarismi, tostarp aizguvumi no citām valodām, gan arī vārdi, ko izmanto tikai profesionālajā leksikā. Tāpat pie slenga pieskaita sarunvalodas elementus, kā arī žargonu, ko savā saziņā lieto konkrētu sociālo grupu pārstāvji.

Tradicionāli slenga karogu visaugstāk ir nesuši jaunieši, kuri visos laikos par goda lietu uzskatījuši savu valodu piebārstīt pilnu ar vārdiem, ko senči un citi vecāka gadagājuma cilvēki noteikti vairs nesapratīs. Reizēm mēdz teikt, ka slengs ir vienkārši neliterāra valoda, taču, ja papēta dziļāk, gandrīz katram slenga vārdam būs iespējams atrast skaidrojumu un vēsturi. Kopš saziņa kļuvusi arvien virtuālāka, angļu valodas slenga vārdi arvien vairāk iedzīvojas arī citās valodās, tostarp latviešu, turklāt tiek pat lokalizēti, piemēram, vairs nav neparasti, ka kāds otru diskusijas karstumā apsauc par “drāmas karalieni”. Iepazīstinām tevi ar populāriem angļu valodas slenga vārdiem, kurus vērts iegaumēt, lai bagātinātu savu vārdu krājumu un saprastos visdažādākajās sabiedrībās.

Noun. An eccentric or unusual person.

Lietvārds. Ekscentriska vai neparasta persona.
He’s really quite an odd fish.
Adjective. To be extremely tired.

Īpašības vārds. Būt ļoti nogurušam.
He really enjoyed his birthday party, but he’s completely zonked out now!
Noun. A long and pleasant conversation between friends.

Lietvārds. Ilga un patīkama saruna starp draugiem.
I saw Mary for the first time in ages yesterday! We had a lovely chin wag together, like in the good old days.
Adjective. To be very pleased, proud, or happy about something.

Īpašības vārds. Justies ļoti priecīgam vai par kaut ko lepnam.
My mum bought me a fantastic car when I passed my driving test. I was chuffed to bits.
Noun. This is another name for Murphy’s Law – whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Lietvārds. Sinonīms Mērfija likumam – viss, kas var noiet greizi, arī noies greizi.
I wore my pretty new dress because it was a sunny day, but as soon as I stepped out of the house, it started raining and I got completely soaked! Sod’s Law!
Adjective. Delicious, lovely.

Īpašības vārds. Garšīgs, burvīgs.
All we had was bread and butter, cake, and strawberries with cream; but oh, they were scrummy.
Noun. A cigarette made by hand from loose tobacco and cigarette paper.

Lietvārds. Ar rokām uztīta cigarete no tabakas un cigarešu papīra.
Pass me a roll-up, please.
Adjective. Dressed up, overdressed.

Īpašības vārds. Uzposies, saģērbies pārāk grezni.
He was all ponced up, like he was going somewhere fancy.
Noun. Beer.

Lietvārds. Alus.
He ordered one more glass of amber fluid.
Noun. A person obsessed with using the internet.

Lietvārds. Cilvēks, kas ir apsēsts ar internetu.
You are such a net head!
Verb phrase. To hurry up, to do it quickly.

Darbības vārds. Pasteigties, izdarīt kaut ko ātri.
Steve, the film starts in five minutes, so if you are going to wash your hair you’d better make it snappy.
Noun. An eating establishment, cafe, restaurant or snack bar.

Lietvārds. Ēdināšanas iestāde, kafejnīca, restorāns vai uzkodu bārs.
This place is more a noshery than a quickie cafe and has the advantage of being licensed to stay open for 24 hours a day.
Noun. A weak and ineffectual person. Derogatory.

Lietvārds. Ar nicinošu nozīmi – vājš un nespējīgs cilvēks.
His father is a spineless jellyfish who lets his wife rule with an iron fist.
Phrase. (One’s) feet when they are tired and aching.

Izteiciens. (Kāda) pēdas, kad tās ir nogurušas un sāpošas.
Do you mind if I sit down, my dogs are barking!
Verb phrase. To become very emotional, slightly mad.

Darbības vārds. Kļūt ļoti emocionālam, sadusmoties.
I just went bananas when she told me she wanted to move out.
Noun. This means respect, recognition.

Lietvārds. Apzīmē cieņu vai atzinību.
I know he failed the test, but you’ve got to give him props for trying.
Idiom. Used to signify that a person finally understands something.

Idioma. Apzīmē brīdi, kad cilvēks beidzot kaut ko saprot.
Thank God for that! The penny’s finally dropped and we can all go home now.
Adjective. Used to describe a situation in which events do not occur as planned or anticipated. Often implies disappointment or discontent with the results.

Īpašības vārds. Izmanto, lai raksturotu situāciju, kura nenorisinās tā, kā paredzēts. Bieži norāda uz neapmierinātību ar rezultātu.
I was trying to organise a surprise birthday party for her, but it’s all gone pear-shaped!
Verb phrase. To chat or gossip.

Darbības vārds. Pļāpāt vai baumot.
Yeah, come round and join us, we’re just chewing the fat over a glass or two of wine.
Noun. A spider, worm, or other small, flightless creature, especially when considered unpleasant or frightening.

Lietvārds. Zirneklis, tārps vai kāds cits neliels, nelidojošs radījums, it sevišķi tāds, kas ir nepatīkams vai biedējošs.
Clara started to hallucinate, seeing creepy-crawlies on her bed.
Adjective. Causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.

Īpašības vārds. Tāds, kas izraisa bailes vai nemiera sajūtu.
And now comes the best part of the story, which is, of course, the ‘creepy-crawly’ and horrible part.
Noun. A person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.

Īpašības vārds. Sapīcis, dusmīgs vai nokaitināts.
Shut that blabbermouth up; he hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about!
Noun. An unnecessary or over-complicated task, especially one that is perceived as a waste of time.

Lietvārds. Nevajadzīga vai pārāk sarežģīta darbība, it sevišķi tāda, ko uzskata par nelietderīgu.
Adjusting this television is a bit of a faff.
Verb. To waste time on an unproductive activity.

Darbības vārds. Izniekot laiku neproduktīvās darbībās.
Come on, we have to go now. Stop faffing around, we’re going to be late!
Verb. To sell something.

Darbības vārds. Pārdot kaut ko.
I managed to flog my car for a really good price!
Adjective phrase. Lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Īpašības vārds. Ļoti enerģisks un entuziastisks.
I’ve never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.
Adverb phrase. As if by accident, but really by intention.

Apstākļa vārds. Šķietami netīši, tomēr ar nodomu.
I’ve never liked these glasses of Peter’s. I might drop them one day – accidentally-on-purpose…
Noun. A short sleep or nap.

Lietvārds. Neilgs miegs vai snauda.
If you’re feeling drowsy, take forty winks; I’ll wake you when our guests arrive.
Noun. A good friend or mate.

Lietvārds. Labs draugs vai biedrs.
We’ve been pals since we were kids.
Noun. A person devoted to spending as much time as possible on the beach.

Lietvārds. Cilvēks, kas pēc iespējas vairāk laika pavada pludmalē.
I could quite easily become a beach bum and spend the rest of my days lying in the sun.
Adjective. Fed up, mildly angry or annoyed.

Īpašības vārds. Sapīcis, dusmīgs vai nokaitināts.
Working with Caroline is not easy. She gets really cheesed off when people don’t agree with her.
Noun. Friendly way of saying goodbye and formerly as a greeting or toast.

Lietvārds. Draudzīgs veids, kā atvadīties, agrāk arī frāze, ko izmantoja kā sveicienu vai tostu.
Cheerio! Have a good trip!

How to learn English faster and more effectively?

With more than a quarter of the world’s population speaking English, you don’t have to look far for a reason to learn English, or the resources and opportunities to practise it. Thanks to technology, the availability of language learning tools and the abundance of English language courses on offer, there’s no better time to start learning or improving your English than now.

However, the sheer amount of roughly 750 000 words of English and the spelling and grammar rules, which are not easy to understand at first and can be confusing even for native English speakers, can dampen one’s enthusiasm to speak English for the first time, so in this article, we have put together a variety of tips for learning English faster and more efficiently.

Live with English

It is no secret that there’s no better way to learn a new language than by spending time or living in a country where it’s spoken. That’s why Skrivanek organises English language courses in Malta, creating something like a studycation in an English-speaking environment.

But if travelling to such countries is not on your schedule, you can still spend time practising English by following the “two ways every day” method. How can you practise English differently every day? Find TV shows, songs, books, films, videos, audiobooks, apps, recipes, magazines – anything in English will do – and regularly change how you learn English in your daily life and how to expand your vocabulary.

Listening to podcasts is a very good way of learning a language, as listening to a language greatly enhances your understanding of it. As it may be difficult at first to understand what native English speakers are saying, you can slow the playback down, read a transcript of the episode if available, and repeat sentences and words out loud. This can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar more quickly. Not only will you learn something new about English but you’ll also discover new things about other topics that you find interesting.

Find an interlocutor

To learn English faster, it is important to speak as much English as possible. If you only do the theory exercises and tests on the language learning app, it’s definitely not going to be fun when you finally meet an English speaker. Not communicating means not practising your ability to express yourself and formulate your thoughts in English. Finding a conversation or even a study partner will give your language learning real, live, face-to-face practice and allow you to test your skills. Many people find that speaking English regularly helps them learn the language more organically than learning by reading or writing. After all, what’s the point of learning a new language if not to communicate?

Make the most of technology

Where better to find an English-speaking interlocutor than online? There is such a wide range of online apps and programmes to help users learn English. For example, Fluenz is a popular app where you can watch videos made by teachers, while Duolingo offers easy daily practice on your smartphone, filling your free time with an English learning task. If you already have a good level of English and want to practice your writing skills, Grammarly can be useful. The app not only corrects grammatical errors but also gives very good tips on how to reformulate your text as well as write clearly and concisely, and suggests idioms specific to the English language. When reading English books and websites, you can always use an online dictionary to easily look up words or phrases you don’t know.

Read, read, read

Fiction, brochures, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed, food packaging, menus: if it’s available in English, then read it in English. All this varied content is necessary to learn new words and phrases in context, especially in a language like English, where there are so many words to learn…

Make your own English dictionary

When learning a new language, we come across so many new words, but believe us, you can’t catch everything at the first attempt. Here, the good old school exercise of building your own English dictionary is THE tool for the job. Whenever you hear or read a new word or expression, write it down in context – either in a sentence or giving more detail about its meaning. You can either take notes the traditional, pen-and-paper way, or do it digitally.

Create an English learning routine

If you want to continuously develop your English language skills, it’s best to establish an English learning routine – a set of learning activities that you do regularly. The initial inspiration and motivation to learn English fades with time, the lessons are dropped and then picked up again a few months later, and what has already been learnt is forgotten in the meantime. It is important to stick to your own curriculum to consolidate your knowledge and learn more, even if it’s just a little. If you want to have a good command of English, you need to do something every day to improve it. Some ideas for creating a successful learning routine that fits into your daily life: practise speaking English in the morning before work (10–30 minutes), listen to audio content in English at the gym or in the car, read something in English on public transport or during your lunch break. Gradually, these habits will become the norm and will not even require any effort, improving your English without you noticing.

Start with the most important things

And finally, your English language studies are more likely to go much faster if you keep reminding yourself of your learning motives. Going on a study exchange? Focus on study-related vocabulary. Have an important conference at work? Read articles by other participants and other research in the field in English. Want to travel more? Then the Tourism Vocabulary will be your first guide to learning English. If you start learning English, expecting to magically learn anything and everything all at once, you may get confused and lose enthusiasm quickly. Focus on what’s relevant and interesting in your life at the moment, and then gradually add ways and areas to develop your English skills.

Learn English at Skrivanek

Various English language courses

Skrivanek offers English language courses for adults in a variety of formats, based on your individual preferences and interests, your background knowledge, your daily schedule and your location. You can learn English in a group or one-to-one, in person or remotely, at any language level (A1–C1), no matter if you are a beginner and want to learn English from scratch, want to brush up on your English at school, or want to improve your English for a specific purpose, such as a job in a specific industry.

Finding the right English teacher is the key to successful language learning, as a strong and solid foundation in the language is best laid with an experienced teacher. In our courses, our teachers will help you develop various skills so that students effectively acquire and consolidate both English grammar and vocabulary, learning to use it immediately in practice, and communication skills – from the very first lesson, students talk a lot. The lessons also include listening, writing and reading tasks – all in a relaxed, interactive and creative learning environment. You can find the full range of Skrivanek English courses and programmes for individuals in our language course schedule.

Join an English conversation club

We also recommend an online English conversation club. Accompanied by a foreign teacher, learning English is interactive and fun, with conversations touching upon a wide variety of topics to develop speaking and listening skills. The trainer engages participants in role-plays and discussions, practises presentation skills, organises questionnaires and quizzes, plays board games, monologues and dialogues, thus helping attendees to acquire a wider vocabulary, idioms and sentence structures and practise their active use in both casual and formal situations, giving them a chance to learn English and make new friends.

English camps for children and youth

Modern experts believe that learning several languages at an early age makes learning languages easier and more effective, which is why Skrivanek has been organising not only language courses but also camps for children and young people from the age of 4 for more than 15 years, using specially designed learning strategies that help them learn languages intensively without losing the fun and playfulness.

Today, children and young people learn English at primary school and spend a lot of time consuming content, entertainment and culture in English – watching films, reading books, comics, following music they like, surfing YouTube and social networks; however, a Skrivanek camp is a great way to develop active and practical language skills.

Our special teaching method

We work with EFFECTO – a unique method for improved language learning, which is used in Skrivanek Holding SE Group language schools worldwide, and it will help you learn English quickly and effectively as well. The method is based on developing active language skills – speaking and writing, listening and reading – through interactive, creative tasks, practising the ability to use language spontaneously and in a variety of real-life situations.

To make learning English not feel like a chore, the course programme and topics will be tailored to the interests and needs of each group of participants. The teacher will look for common ground on how to design the course content to make learning fun and inspiring with your group members, or with you individually should you choose private English lessons.

Find out your level of background knowledge for free

If you have previously studied English at school or through self-study, and want to improve your English skills by attending courses, you are welcome to take the free 45-minute English test on our website beforehand. You will receive your results in an email shortly afterwards.

For those who want to learn English without prior knowledge, please send us an application for the beginner (A1 level) course right now.